Hotels & Resorts
Located in Mukteshwar, Chirping Orchard is a boutique hotel, perched on a ridge, amidst a fruit garden, surrounded by valleys and guarded by the Himalayan peaks. This resort is also a roosting place for several birds, who feed on the orchard fruits.
: +91 90680 80093
Business Tag 1: Best Resorts in Mukteshwar
Business Tag 2: Best Hotels in Mukteshwar
Accepts: Cash
Leti Bunga - Mukteshwar, UT 263132
Hotels & Resorts
This campsite provides a memorable experience in the lap of nature. Come, explore the beauty of Mukteshwar and create unforgettable memories at Forest Acres Camps.
: 94121 36356
Business Tag 1: Camping in Mukteshwar
Business Tag 2: luxury camps in mukteshwar
Price Range: $
Accepts: Cash
Village chaukhuta Dhari-Kasiyalekh, Road, - Mukteshwar, UT 263138
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