Language Immersion Private Preschool

Language Immersion Private Preschool

1210 N. Post Oak Rd. # 150
Houston, TX
At LIPP Schools, we believe educating children through the lens of language prepares them to thrive in a dynamic, interconnected and evolving global community.


By exposing students to the world of immersion, LIPP pilots the academics of preschool and children learn to navigate in Spanish, French or Mandarin. Through a proprietary curriculum, hands-on activities, ongoing conversation, engaging books and music, LIPP students acquire crucial life skills for Kindergarten and beyond.

Educationem in Virtute (Excellence in Education), the LIPP Schools credo, reflects our commitment to spark curiosity through language beginning in infancy, and to guide students towards academic excellence as they grow. We encourage you to reach out to learn more and welcome you to visit our schools.


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