LPU Distance Education in Chandigarh Mohali

ISBT 17 Chowk, Sector 18D, Sector 18, Chandigarh, 160022, India


LPU Distance Education in Chandigarh Mohali.

Best LPU Distance Education provider in Chandigarh Mohali. We Have Multiple Centers in All over Chandigarh Mohali Panchkula Zirakpur Kharar etc. If you need any Query related to Admission Then Call our Contact Number - 8437773335, 8872222718. Visit our Official Website - distanceeducationchandigarh.in

Distance Education Chandigarh - one of the leading distance education center in Chandigarh Mohali which is now partner with Lovely Professional University Distance Education(LPU).

Lovely Professional University (LPU) is a private semi-residential university in North India created under the Punjab State Private University.”Educating India Educating World” is the enterprise of LPU Distance Education, which is established to cater to the needs of students who cannot pursue education in college and Universities. It constantly strives to provide a convenient study mode of affordable and anytime-anywhere quality education in a technology-rich environment.


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LPU Distance Education Chandigarh, Mohali
Chandigarh Mohali , India

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