The magical award winning London show, The Lion King is set against the backdrop of African pride-lands. The show commences with the birth of Simba the Lion Cub to King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi. But, his birth made Mufasa's brother Scar insecure and jealous, as we wants to be the King of Pride Rock. He conspires against the King, Queen and their newborn Prince and plots to get rid of them.
The Lion King is a beautiful saga of struggles, innocence, pure love and life long bonding. Simba, the young cub is the lead protagonist and story revolves around him. He forms a relationship with Nala along with Timon and Pumba. All his friends convince Simba to return and reclaim his kingdom. Walt Disney’s The Lion King is a heart-warming saga which has been enlivened up onstage in spectacular fashion featuring talented cast and musicians. The show builds magnificent African Savannah atmosphere and is a complete joyride to the heart of Africa.