Yalla Tyre

Yalla Tyre

Auto Care Car Batteries Car Repair Automotives Car Tyres
M4, Al Masaood Facility, Office # 13, Musaffah
Abu Dhabi, Abu
Best online tire shop in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & UAE. Yalla tyre is your ultimate destination. Buy tyres online in Dubai & UAE with ease and confidence. Shop now!


At YallaTyre.com, we commit to only providing the highest grade and genuine tyres in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Al Ain sourced from the top tyre manufacturer brands in the world with RFID UAE stickers according to the standard regulations and instructions set by the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA).

You can choose from our exclusive range of summer, winter, or all seasonal tyres in Dubai according to your vehicle brand, size, and grade. Moreover, we provide the most premium tyre offers Dubai with no hidden charges and amazing market competitive prices. Apart from top-class tyres, we also provide a range of other auto-care products and services to ensure that our clients enjoy a safe and worthwhile journey.

Our aim at Yalla Tyre is to provide highly affordable and budget-friendly tyres Dubai products without compromising on the quality and reliability. Each tyre is priced individually with no hidden charges and includes the costs for the shipment, balancing, installation, and disposal of the old tyres up front to ensure maximum transparency.


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